Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 8th - Celebrating Mommies!

QUOTE: President David O. McKay (1873–1970):Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life. . . . motherhood [is] the noblest office or calling in the world. She who can paint a masterpiece or write a book that will influence millions deserves the admiration and the plaudits of mankind; but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come, … deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God” (Gospel Ideals [1954], 453–54).

For the Moms:

We discussed some information about the chemical "bisphenol A" found in polycarbonate plastic baby-bottles and sippy-cups which can leech into beverages and cause negative health effects in infants and young children.

For more information and reccommendations for parents go to:

For the Tots:

We ate mini-muffins and made macaroni necklaces for our moms and grandmas to show the mothers in our lives that we love them!

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