Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 1st : Nutrition and Healthy Eating

QUOTE: "Maintaining good physical health allows our minds and bodies to function optimally, so we can more fully enjoy life. Proper diet and nutrition, exercise, and abstinence from harmful substances keep us healthy physically and more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit. Not only does attention to physical health make it more likely that we will have productive and meaningful lives, it also makes possible the physical, mental, and spiritual vitality necessary to offer worthwhile service to the Lord. When we keep our physical bodies in good condition, we become more useful to the Lord as servants in His kingdom."

For the Moms:

We discussed the importance of proper nutrition for our families using the information provided by the government of Alberta's "Healthy Eating and Active Living" pamphlet specifically designed for 1-5 year olds.

visit: for more information.

For the Tots:

We ate "apple monsters" made from apples, peanut butter, grapes and raisins, and made "veggie-faces" from paper-plates and pictures of various fruits and vegetables teaching the kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.

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