Some quick information about PAT:
PAT's Vision:
"All children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential."
PAT's Core Values:
- Parent's are their children's first and most influential teachers.
- The early years of a child's life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school in life.
- Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education and family support curricula, training materials, and services.
- All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed regardless of any demographic, geographic, or economic considerations.
- An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.
PAT's Goals:
- Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices.
- Provide early detection of developmental delay and health issues.
- Prevent abuse and neglect.
- Increase children's school readiness and school success.
To find out more information about PAT, please visit their national website at www.parentsasteachers.org and their local website at www.southregionpat.ca.
Unfortunately, after supporting so many families with young children in Southern Alberta, PAT now needs our support! It recently received a huge funding cut of 52% from it's main funder, the Child and Family Services Authority (provincial government) thus crippling it's ability to provide much needed services to families in Southern Alberta.
If you would like to help, contact Abby for a letter-writing package to our local MLA, Greg Weadick, or send an email expressing your concern to: lethbridge.west@assembly.ab.ca
For the Tots:
The kids enjoyed the opportunity to play together, and eat a yummy snack brought by Sister Poetteker!