Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 19: Staying Physically Active as a Mom

It is hard to find the time to exercise as a Mom, so we discussed some at-home options.

-Paramilitary Workout: 20 sec work, 10 sec rest. As many pushups you can do in 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Do this 4 times. Repeat with situps, chin ups, squats. (every other day)

-Free Weights: Use 12-20lbs weights to do bicep curls, tricep extension, lawnmowers, flys, scarecrows, shoulder raises, shoulder press, shoulder extension, bombers, butterflys (if you have a bench), weighted squats, weighted lunges, weighted calf raises

-“Baby” Exercises: Hold your baby while you do squats, lunges, stairs. Lift your baby over your head, then down to knees and up again numerous times to work out your arms

-Core Exercises: (Repeat each 25 times) V-outs, scissors, bicycles, reverse bicycles, crunching frogs, cross leg/v leg sit-ups, toe extensions, hip rockers, oblique v-ups, sit/v-up, leg climbers, mason twists, superman

-Cardio: Go for a walk with your kids, go running with your kids in the stroller, pull the kids in a wagon, play running games in the backyard or a field with your kids, take the kids swimming, skipping, hiking with baby in a backpack

The kids had fun running around, playing with each other, and all the toys. They had a snack of pretzels and carrot sticks, and played with home-made gack.

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 5: Visiting Day

For those of us who braved the cold, we had the day to visit with each other.

The kids played games with the parachute again and had a snack of "Ants on the Log".

This month we will be doing the following activities:
March 12: Positive Influence of Music on Children lesson and activity with our kids
March 19: Keeping Physically Active while being a Mom
March 26: Nature Walk (depending on the weather)