Thursday, January 29, 2009

January Potluck

We finished off the month with a "soup and sandwich" potluck at Abby's house! Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate for the sledding part of the party, but the food was amazing and the kids had a great time chasing each other around and playing while the moms chatted!

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 22nd: "Helping Kids to Eat Nutritiously"

For the Moms:

Today we got together and discussed different tips and tricks to help our kids eat more nutritiously. Jen Lead the discussion and provided everybody with some great information on the subject. Perhaps most helpful was a booklet produced by the Government Alberta entitled "Healthy Eating and Active Living for Your 1 to 5 Year Old" (available at the public health office). This booklet contains everything from nutritional needs and appropriate portion sizes for children 1-5, as well as tips and information changing behaviour trends in regards to eating and common childhood feeding issues and solutions.

Some common problems discussed by our group:

1) If your Child Refuses to Eat Meat:


- cut into small pieces and serve in soups, stews, tomato sauce, or meatloaf.
- serve with ketchup for dipping
- Offer other protein rich foods such as: eggs, fish, cheese, peanut butter, soy products, beans or lentils
- Increase iron intake with dark leafy vegetables, fortified breads and cereals, or dried fruit such as raisins
- remember that the over-all amount of protein your child needs each day is relatively small

2) If Your Child Refuses to Eat Vegetables:


- keep a variety of ready to serve, brightly coloured veggies on hand and serve at snack time when child is hungry
- Puree veggies and add then to soups, sauces, or other foods
- Involve children in choosing vegetables at the grocery store, or in growing a vegetable garden

3) If Your Child Refuses to Try New Foods:


- Continue to offer new foods by placing small amounts on their plate.
- Encourage them to try a small bite, or taste
- Let your child help to prepare the new food
- Avoid forcing them to eat it (this can reduce rather than increase acceptance)

4) If Your Child Refuses to Eat:


- Respect your child's awareness of their own body
- serve smaller amounts of food
- Ensure snacks are served well before mealtimes
- Do not cater to their desires (ie: avoid becoming a short-order cook)
- Know that a skipped meal every once in awhile is nothing to be concerned about so long as your child is growing normally

5) If Your Child Takes Too Long to Eat:


- Be patient! Plan plenty of time for meals
- Allow your child to explore, touch, and taste their food
- After a reasonable amount of time (20-30 mins) remove their plate without a fuss

6) If Your Child Wants the Same Food Everyday:


- As long as it's nutritious, don't worry about it!
- Continue to offer other healthy choices at meals
- Kids will typically move on to something else if you DON'T make a big deal about it

7) If Your Child Does Not Drink Milk:


- offer small servings but don't force it
- Know that other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese have the calcium they need, but not the Vitamin D
- use milk instead of water in cream soups, with pureed vegetables, in puddings, and hot cereal.

If your child drinks too much milk:

- Limit intake. Aim for 2-3 cups per day.
- Do not serve milk in a bottle - rather serve it in a cup at mealtimes

General Tips That Can Go Along Way:

- Be a good example yourself. Your children will be watching and be interested in what YOU are eating. They may even want to try something you are eating.

- Talk often with your children about healthy and unhealthy food choices. Explain why it is important to eat healthy foods.

- Involve children in grocery shopping and meal preparation. When kids have the opportunity to take ownership in the process of food gathering and preparation, they are much more likely to eat it!

- If you have to, barter with them: require them to eat x number of bites before having dessert, etc. If they want a treat, request them to eat something healthy first, etc.

For the Tots:

The kids had a great time cutting out pictures of healthy foods from grocery store fliers and gluing them onto their own paper-plate.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Parenting Literature Booklist:

We have added a new feature to our website! In the left column of this page you will find a link to our recommended Book List!

Parenting literature can be soooo valuable and helpful to us as mothers, and yet it can also be totally overwhelming to know what books are any good out of the millions that are out there! On our booklist you will find recommended reading on various parenting subjects that members from our group have read and reviewed. If you would like to write a review for a parenting book you have read please follow the format used in the examples already on the booklist and email your review to Abby. Please also feel free to add your review to a book that someone else has already reviewed (the more voices about a particular book - the better!). Any questions or comments can be passed on to Abby. Thanks for your participation!

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 Welcome Back!

For the Moms:

We had a great time chatting and visiting, catching up with returning moms after the holidays, and meeting some new moms!

For the Tots:

The kids snacked on chocolate-chip cookies and apple slices afterwhich they had a blast painting our cardboard "houses" in an array of different colours!