Tuesday, July 29, 2008

August Park Schedule:


August 7th: 10:30am @ the new playground at Dr. Probe Elementary School (across street from church)

August 14th: 1pm @ Galt Gardens Spray Park

August 21st: 10:30am @ Nicholas Sheran Park Playground

August 28th: 1 pm @ Park Lake

As always - if the weather is nasty we'll be cancelling! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July Park Schedule:

We won't be holding any formal activities over the summer, but we have created a summer park schedule on Thursdays! If you're around and would like to possibly get together with other moms and kids at the same time and the same place then come on by!

July 3rd: Park Lake 1pm
July 10th: Nicolas Sheran Park Playground 10am
July 17th: Gyro Spray Park 1pm
July 24th: Riverstone Park Playground 10am
July 31st: Park Lake 1pm

Have a great summer!!!