Sunday, August 2, 2009

August Activities

For the summer months we will be only having one big activity a month, with the rest of the weeks at scheduled parks. Anyone is welcome to show up- those of you with playground aged children, as well as those without who just want to get outside and visit!

August 6: Playground across from church 10:30

August 13: Playground across from church 10:30

August 20: Park Lake (meet at church at 10:30 for carpooling)

August 27: Sheridan Park at 10:30 (Sheridan Rd and Columbia Blvd)

Friday, April 24, 2009

May 23rd: Supporting "Parents As Teachers" (PAT)

For the Moms:
Sister Palmer lead an information session about the free community service program "Parents As Teachers" (PAT). PAT is an amazing program which supports parents with children aged 0-5 with everything from information and education about early childhood development, monthly in-home visits from a trained parent-educator, free parenting courses, parenting resources, parent-child groups, community links, etc!

Some quick information about PAT:

PAT's Vision:
"All children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential."

PAT's Core Values:
- Parent's are their children's first and most influential teachers.
- The early years of a child's life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school in life.
- Established and emerging research should be the foundation of parent education and family support curricula, training materials, and services.
- All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed regardless of any demographic, geographic, or economic considerations.
- An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.

PAT's Goals:
- Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices.
- Provide early detection of developmental delay and health issues.
- Prevent abuse and neglect.
- Increase children's school readiness and school success.

To find out more information about PAT, please visit their national website at and their local website at

Unfortunately, after supporting so many families with young children in Southern Alberta, PAT now needs our support! It recently received a huge funding cut of 52% from it's main funder, the Child and Family Services Authority (provincial government) thus crippling it's ability to provide much needed services to families in Southern Alberta.

If you would like to help, contact Abby for a letter-writing package to our local MLA, Greg Weadick, or send an email expressing your concern to:


For the Tots:

The kids enjoyed the opportunity to play together, and eat a yummy snack brought by Sister Poetteker!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 9th: Infant Massage

For the Moms:

Sister Roberts lead the moms in an infant massage session, passing on the techniques and information which she had learned recently by taking an infant massage class offered by Parents As Teachers.

For anyone interested in taking an infant massage course (Free - 5 weeks), Parents As Teachers will be offering the class again starting April 28th. Call 403-320-5983 to register!

For the Tots:

While the infants enjoyed the massages, the bigger kids had a great time dying and decorating Easter eggs, and participating in an Easter egg hunt outside!

April 2nd: Music and Early Childhood Development

For the Moms:

Sister Rommeril shared with us important information about the benefits of using music to enhance our children's development.

For the Tots:

Sister Rommeril lead the moms and tots in a few interactive songs and activities. The kids had a great time singing, dancing, and moving to music!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 19: Staying Physically Active as a Mom

It is hard to find the time to exercise as a Mom, so we discussed some at-home options.

-Paramilitary Workout: 20 sec work, 10 sec rest. As many pushups you can do in 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Do this 4 times. Repeat with situps, chin ups, squats. (every other day)

-Free Weights: Use 12-20lbs weights to do bicep curls, tricep extension, lawnmowers, flys, scarecrows, shoulder raises, shoulder press, shoulder extension, bombers, butterflys (if you have a bench), weighted squats, weighted lunges, weighted calf raises

-“Baby” Exercises: Hold your baby while you do squats, lunges, stairs. Lift your baby over your head, then down to knees and up again numerous times to work out your arms

-Core Exercises: (Repeat each 25 times) V-outs, scissors, bicycles, reverse bicycles, crunching frogs, cross leg/v leg sit-ups, toe extensions, hip rockers, oblique v-ups, sit/v-up, leg climbers, mason twists, superman

-Cardio: Go for a walk with your kids, go running with your kids in the stroller, pull the kids in a wagon, play running games in the backyard or a field with your kids, take the kids swimming, skipping, hiking with baby in a backpack

The kids had fun running around, playing with each other, and all the toys. They had a snack of pretzels and carrot sticks, and played with home-made gack.

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 5: Visiting Day

For those of us who braved the cold, we had the day to visit with each other.

The kids played games with the parachute again and had a snack of "Ants on the Log".

This month we will be doing the following activities:
March 12: Positive Influence of Music on Children lesson and activity with our kids
March 19: Keeping Physically Active while being a Mom
March 26: Nature Walk (depending on the weather)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 19th: "Addressing Intimacy in Marriage"

For the Moms:

The most commonly stated problems couples deal with in marriage are #1: troubles related to finances and #2: troubles with their sexual relationship. This week we discussed how to manage and find more fulfillment in this aspect of our marital relationship.

Jen lead the discussion, and provided us with lots of helpful information on this sometimes sensitive subject from a book entitled, "And They Were Not Ashamed" which can be picked up at the church book store.

For the Tots:

The kids enjoyed a snack of pretzels, cheese and apple slices after which they had a blast playing parachute games - their favourite of which was "Shark Attack!"